Mold  Spores "Colonies"


Mold is a type of fungus that can grow anywhere there is moisture, oxygen, and organic material. It can grow on any surface, including wood, drywall, carpet, fabric, and food. Mold is often visible as a patch of green, black, or white fuzz, but it can also be present without any visible signs. Mold spores are always present in the air, but they can only grow and reproduce when they land on a damp surface. Mold thrives in damp, humid, and wet environments, and can spread quickly if not properly managed. Mold growth can cause structural damage to buildings, as well as health problems in humans and animals. In some cases, it can even cause more serious health issues, such as lung infections and respiratory problems. People with allergies or asthma are more likely to experience health issues due to mold. 

A mold inspection is essential in identifying and addressing mold issues early on, preventing further damage to the property and health hazards to the occupants. Mold grows well on paper products, cardboards, ceiling tiles, wood products, dust, paints, wallpaper, insulation, drywall, carpet, fabric, and upholstery. It is also recommended for homeowners who suspect indoor mold growth due to visible signs of mold, such as musty odors, discoloration of walls, or frequent allergic reactions. Triton Environmental uses specialized equipment to detect and measure the level of moisture, humidity, and mold spores in the area.